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Why does the omicron variant have experts so concerned?
WHO's Science in 5 - COVID-19: Why are experts concerned about Omicron? - 21 January 2022
Why are experts concerned about the omicron variant? | The Why
Covid Omicron Variant Raises Concern Among Global Health Experts
How experts think new 'omicron' COVID variant will affect pandemic
Health experts discuss questions, concerns around COVId-19 omicron variant
Arizona experts share how omicron became variant of concern
How worrying is the new Omicron variant? | Inside Story
New Omicron variant found! Why are experts concerned about this new strain? All you need to know
Infectious Disease Expert: Omicron Is Likely Already Here, Travel Ban TOO LATE To Stop Spread
Expert Analysis Omicron Variant BA.2 As It Causes Surge In Europe
What Mayo experts know about the omicron variant